Traditionally New Years Eve is a time to look forward and set goals for the coming year, but in my world it is also a time to look back on what I am grateful for and what I was able to accomplish. I wanted to share with you and encourage you to take time to reflect on what you learned and accomplished last year. Here are 13 of the most positive things about my 2013
1. I took a chance and put myself out there by starting No Quit In Her.
2. Despite health challenges I was able to run in 12 different 5 & 10Ks, one for each month of 2013.
3. I tested my mental and physical limits and completed my first Tough Mudder
4. I learned about the " I Run 4" program and was matched with my Buddy Ellarie. She is a constant source of inspiration and reminds me to stay humble and be grateful for my blessings.
5. I made the choice to go back to college starting next semester and chase my dream of becoming a Doctor of Physical Therapy.
6. I celebrated 8 years of marriage to my amazing husband. He has stood by me through the best times and the worst. I don't know where I'd be without his love and support.
7. I learned to ride motorcycle and rode solo for the first time in my life. It is something I have always wanted to do and I can't describe how amazing it felt!
8. I took my health into my own hands and am ending the year free of any prescription seizure medications.

10. I learned to let go. To let go of hold hurts, of what I can't change, and of what I can't control. I learned to move forward, unburdened.
11. Despite the challenges that faced my family I was able to grow in my faith and trust that God has a plan for me, though I may not always understand it.
12. I got to see my youngest son celebrate his first birthday, and my oldest celebrate his third. These little boys hold my whole heart and I am so grateful to be their Mother.
13. I was given the gift of another year to live, learn, and simply be, and for this I am deeply grateful.