October has been fraught with challenges. Family business has kept me on the road and I have failed to plan. I had a great start to my Paleo challenge but the second things got rough I turned back to my old eating habits and let the workouts slide. I just didn't feel like I had the emotional or physical energy to put into my own well being. I feel bloated, squishy and mentally drained.
The silver lining to this month has been I have learned to take a step back and really think about my priorities. Times are going to come where I need to take the focus off my own goals and put it into something else and I am learning to be OK with that. I am beginning to find balance and to take pleasure in my journey and not rush to the destination. True, I may not have made as much progress as I would like this month, but little by little I am inching closer to my goals. I am a tiny bit better today than I was yesterday, and my efforts, no matter how small should not be discounted.
Learning to love yourself is hard. It shouldn't be, but that is the truth. It is something I struggle with on a daily basis. Keeping negative self image in check is a constant battle and one I lose more times than I win. But I am going to keep fighting. I'm recommitting to my goals and most importantly focusing on having a positive outlook no matter how hard it is. Every day might not be good, but there is something good in every day.
I look forward to having some solid progress to report at the beginning of next month and just want to thank you again for your support and for taking the time to share this journey with me. I have some big things in the works that I can't wait to share with you, no matter how long it takes me to make them happen!
Can't quit, won't quit, NO QUIT!
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