Thursday, June 12, 2014

A series of unfortunate events

Greetings from the other side of a crazy week and a half. As some of you may know we suffered a house fire in the early morning hours of June 2nd. I am so blessed to say that despite the smoke and fire damage I was able to get my boys and myself out with no injuries. 

Even with amazing insurance the fallout has been tough. On top of dealing with keeping the rebuild moving we packed up what we could and relocated to Minnesota so we could be a family under one roof again, as soon as T finishes his annual training with the National Guard.

I'd like to say that I have stuck to my training schedule and clean eating during the chaos, but I promised to be real with you. I'll spare you the gory details but suffice it to say my workouts have been limited to short in-home yoga sessions and the closest I've been to eating clean is only having 1 slice of pizza instead of 2. It pains me to say I have not logged a single mile in 9 long days. 

I am definitely feeling the effects in a not-so-awesome way. I feel puffy, am not sleeping well, and most notably I've been down in the dumps. For me exercise is about so much more than just training for a marathon or keeping fit. It truly is my time to unwind, gather my thoughts and really breathe. I have such a strong need to feel that basal mind body connection. 

On that note I've decided to put on my big girl panties and start prioritizing workouts again. I've found a great gym here in Rochester that offers childcare, and though I'll be logging my miles on the treadmill, I'll still be logging them! They also have 5 or 6 amazing cardio options for cross training as well as weights, which is outstanding. 

Anyone who knows me is aware that I am not a person who deals with well with change. I am a planner and a doer. This is not to say I don't have my adventurous side, it simply means changes in environment, schedules, you name it throw me off. I need time to adjust and I think I've given myself more than enough. It's always hard being somewhere new, but Mission No Quit 26(.2) isn't going to complete itself. 

So here goes nothing, 

Onward towards my bright new future I go! 


  1. Glad to hear things are starting to settle! Your gym sounds awesome! Don't be too hard on yourself, just take 1day and 1 workout at a time! P.S. Love you and miss you!

    1. Thank you so much for reading and for your support! I love you too!
