I've been going to Winkle's Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Center recently and I'm already feeling much better! Dr. Mike's style is different from any chiropractic I've experienced before. The amount of detail he goes into for each adjustment is staggering, but it certainly gets the job done!
At my first appointment we found my left shoulder was out of place as well as my hips and pelvis. Basically I was a walking (barely) sublaxation. After 3 adjustments my pain is greatly reduced, I'm moving with more ease, sleeping better and my digestive system is up and running again. It never ceases to amaze me what proper chiropractic adjustment can do for the body! I'm having T and the boys treated as well so hopefully we will all be functioning in tip-top shape very soon.
This week will be (half) marathon training and strength. I'm counting the days until Worlds Best Bootcamp begins! I'm so ready for the new challenge and looking forward to feeling my best when it begins!
I'm making real strides towards being happy with my decision to run the half as opposed to the full marathon. It still stings when someone asks how training is going but where in the beginning my choice felt like defeat, the tides are turning and I am empowered by my decision to listen to my body and prioritize my own wellness over a number. I can't describe what an enormous amount of personal growth this shows. Those of you who know me understand that when I commit to something it WILL get done. Come hell or high water, whatever the cost. To turn away from 26.2 just months before the race was something I never thought I would do, but am so glad that I did.
So many doors are opening for me right now and I truly feel like I am growing both as an individual and an athlete. I am learning that wellness doesn't always mean pushing harder towards a goal. It can mean being kind and gentle to yourself, taking your time to become truly ready before you try and climb that next mountain.
I don't have to do everything at breakneck speed. Sometimes it is ok to just walk quietly and enjoy the journey.