Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Enjoying the Journey

I've been going to Winkle's Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Center recently and I'm already feeling much better! Dr. Mike's style is different from any chiropractic I've experienced before. The amount of detail he goes into for each adjustment is staggering, but it certainly gets the job done! 

At my first appointment we found my left shoulder was out of place as well as my hips and pelvis. Basically I was a walking (barely) sublaxation. After 3 adjustments my pain is greatly reduced, I'm moving with more ease, sleeping better and my digestive system is up and running again. It never ceases to amaze me what proper chiropractic adjustment can do for the body! I'm having T and the boys treated as well so hopefully we will all be functioning in tip-top shape very soon.

This week will be (half) marathon training and strength. I'm counting the days until Worlds Best Bootcamp begins! I'm so ready for the new challenge and looking forward to feeling my best when it begins! 

I'm making real strides towards being happy with my decision to run the half as opposed to the full marathon. It still stings when someone asks how training is going but where in the beginning my choice felt like defeat, the tides are turning and I am empowered by my decision to listen to my body and prioritize my own wellness over a number. I can't describe what an enormous amount of personal growth this shows. Those of you who know me understand that when I commit to something it WILL get done. Come hell or high water, whatever the cost. To turn away from 26.2 just months before the race was something I never thought I would do, but am so glad that I did. 

So many doors are opening for me right now and I truly feel like I am growing both as an individual and an athlete. I am learning that wellness doesn't always mean pushing harder towards a goal. It can mean being kind and gentle to yourself, taking your time to become truly ready before you try and climb that next mountain.

I don't have to do everything at breakneck speed. Sometimes it is ok to just walk quietly and enjoy the journey. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

CrossFit Credence and the Worlds Best Bootcamp

Heidi R. and I after bootcamp:
We're smiling because it hurts so good!

I was recently invited by a reader, Heidi, to attend a CrossFit bootcamp here in Rochester. I was wary at first. CrossFit has a pretty tough reputation (in my opinion) and with all the injuries I've been nursing I wasn't sure how I would do. Having said that I've always wanted to try C.F and see what the fuss was all about so I put on my big girl pants and decided to give it my best try. I definitely didn't want to miss out on a great opportunity. Turns out I'm very glad I didn't! 

I showed up to CrossFit Credence and was warmly welcomed by both the staff, boot camp veterans and fellow newbies. When it was time to get started we warmed up by playing "Keep-away" to get us moving and get the blood flowing. It was a total blast and worked nicely in terms of getting loose and ready to work.

Afterwards we started with the bulk of the work and my very first WOD. (workout of the day) We were partnered, tutored on form and given instructions to split up rounds of sit-ups, pushups, burpees, air squats and 200 meter runs. The objective was for my partner and myself to complete as many rounds as possible in the allotted time. I was really loving the teamwork vibe and I did try harder knowing I didn't want to let my partner down. I was able to go wider on the squats so as not to ruin my knee. Even though I was working my tail off it was honestly so much fun! 

I loved it enough to sign up for the next round of "Worlds Best Bootcamp" starting on August 16th! My intention is to work it in as my cross training for the half marathon. I really think it will help me finish getting ready for Tough Mudder Wisconsin (September 6th! Here we come!) and give me a good push into my next great Adventure. 

We will see how bootcamp goes but as it stands my hope is to complete camp, finish my 13.1 and start CrossFit. I'm ready to shift gears and my body is definitely letting me know I need to cut back my mileage and make some changes before my next round of longer distance training. I've heard wonderful things about the athletic edge CrossFit devotees have in other sports (Triathlons, Running, Lifting, you name it) I can't wait to see what it does for me! I'm changing perspective and going back to the basics of being fit.

Run Hard, Lift Heavy

Live Free! 

The bootcamp crew! (with me leering behind them flashing a peace sign)

Monday, July 21, 2014

You've gotta know when to fold 'em

I learned a lesson this weekend. It was a hard one, and I am still processing it, but something clicked. I was on mile 7 of my long run this Saturday when it finally sunk it. This would not be my year to run 26.2.

I've been quietly struggling this past month. Though I've been seizure free I've had a number of days where tremors keep me house bound, I'm only a few miles away from full on shin splints and most seriously my left knee is mission incapable. Something may have torn, or it could just be overuse but I know in my heart that if I continue to push into higher mileage I will do damage that will take me out of the game indefinitely. (After 6 operations my knees and I have pretty open lines of communication) I had to face the fact that I don't have the time I need to get healthy and still prepare for a full marathon.

I limped back from my run, drug myself to the shower, and cried like a baby. It had finally sunk in that this would not be the year I became a marathoner. Though it's been on my mind for a week or so it isn't a decision I came to lightly. My head and my heart are pulling me in totally different directions, but I know my limitations. I need to take a step back, keep on building my foundation and try again when the time is right. Instead of 26.2 I'll be putting in 13.1 on race day, and I am finding a way to be ok with that.

I'm not giving up on my dream, I'm just accepting that now is not my time to make it come true. I'm not quitting, I'm learning that ruining myself physically and mentally for the sake of a number is not ok. My worth isn't dependent on now many miles I can run. I'm always telling others not to lose the Joy of the run. When you find it, hold on to it with all your might. I went into marathon training knowing it would not be a bed of sunshine and roses, but I need to listen to my body.

My heart is still heavy over my choice but I know it is the right one for me. This is part of my journey and a lesson meant for me.  I feel like this is truly my time to learn and accept that there is more to me than miles.

Back in June I wrote this intention for myself:

"to live a life of truth, both to my myself and my loved ones. To learn to honestly love myself for who I am and how I was created, not hate myself for what I am not".

This is me, living a life of truth. I'm not saying never, I'm saying not now. There are bigger, brighter things ahead for me. I always believe that something wonderful is about to happen, now more than ever. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Week 14

Excuse my French but, shit just got real. 

It's week 14 of my Run the Edge plan. I have been loosely following it, knowing I should be doing better, but telling myself I had time. Seeing as I have 97 days until my Marathon I figured I better buckle down. Today I took out my training journal to see what was in store for this week and found my workouts laid out as follows.

Run 50 minutes
Run 35 minutes
Cross Train
Run 10 minutes, Jog 2 minutes: Repeat 5X
Cross Train
Run 8 miles

It's going to be a tough week and it only gets more challenging from here. Am I up for it? Yes. Am I shaking in my Adidas? Yup.

I've been struggling with runners knee as well as some lingering back pain. Luckily I found a good chiropractor on recommendation from one of T's new co-workers! I am seeing him later this week and will be reporting back. I'm hoping he can get cracking (pun intended) on my back issues and that will in turn straighten out some of the knee problems. In my past experience chiropractic care is immensely helpful when it comes to athletic training of any kind, especially running. With regular care I was expending less effort to propel myself forward, and could bounce back much more quickly from a tough workout. This week, and for the foreseeable future, I could use all the help I can get!

On the wellness front I have finally found an ACV cocktail that I can get down! I am doing 

1/2 cup pineapple juice
1 tsp Honey &
1 splash of lime juice

I am only drinking this once daily due to the juice (which I don't normally drink) I'm hoping I can still get the benefits from the ACV even though I'll be taking in less then the "recommended" dose for Acne. I also recently started using proactive and have been getting surprisingly good results so between the two hopefully we will have a winner in the war on acne! (can I get a whoop WHOOP!?

I'd love to hear what your goals are for this week! Head over to my Facebook page and shout it out, then check back in at the end of the week for accountability. I'll be doing the same! 

Happy Training and have an awesome week! 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Finally Friday!

I made this on Monday and waited all week to share
The Finish is HERE! Finally Friday Baby! 
It's finally Friday! Can I get a Whoop WHOOP!?

I've been getting to know my new city better! Wednesday I went to a local park called Silver Lake and ran a few laps around the 1.8 mile loop that goes through the park and around the water. It's was really quite pretty, though there were tons of geese. I was momentarily terrified that they would chase me as I ran past but they seemed pretty indifferent, much to my relief. (I am not a huge fan of getting up close and personal with waterfowl) 

I have a few goals for the weekend:

Perfect my ACV cocktail. I have yet to get that stuff down the hatch since my first shot, but I am NOT giving up! No Quit In Me! Especially regarding ACV! (see what I did there….teehee)

Check out the local farmers market! Apparently Rochester has one of the best in the state of Minnesota and I am probably more excited than I should be to go! 

Try another new trail for my Saturday "long" run! I hear there is another lake trail that is a 6.8 mile loop which would be perfect. 

and of course staying on track with my clean eats and sobriety stint. (No drinks until next weekend….come on July 18th! Holy cow I miss my Vino….my tummy pooch however does not.) 

I'd love to hear what you're up to this weekend! Whatever it is, I'm wishing you happy training and a relaxing couple of days to recharge! 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Doing Shots!

As many of you know I've struggled with my skin since I was a teen. As if being fair-skinned isn't frowned upon enough I've also struggled with acne and tend to bruise easily due to anemia. (sexy, right!?) 

About 6 months ago I stopped taking my birth control pill. I have an uncommon form of epilepsy called "catamenial". Not a lot is known about this particular form but in a nutshell my body copes with hormone fluctuations by sending me into a seizure. Again….sexy. Some women get PMS, I get seizures. What's a girl to do? I had been seizure free on my pill for a few months but then they started up again suddenly. The hope was if I could get off the pill and get my body to normalize the seizures might slow down or even stop. 

The good news is I've been seizure free for months now! The bad news is when I quit the pill my skin went into a tailspin. I did alright for a few weeks and then acne reared it's ugly head. I've been fighting to keep it under control, but it seems to be a losing battle for me. 

No one at any age wants to worry about breakouts, but for a newly 28 year old woman it's especially embarrassing. I've done a lot of reading and asking around as to what my fresh faced friends use to keep their skin clear. Some *shakes fist…you know who you are* are just blessed with a beautiful complexion and haven't had to deal with breakouts. I got a variety of answers from others but a surprising product kept coming up from those interested in natural health & wellness.

Apple Cider Vinegar! I immediately went to google and started doing some research. I had heard of the product of course and even used it for cooking, but for skin!? Never. The "evidence" was overwhelming! People all over the world have used ACV *what the cool kids call it* both topically and by ingesting it, to clear up acne.

So today I ran out to the store, scooped up a bottle and trotted my hopeful butt back home to take a shot of it pronto. It should be noted that I was told EXPLICITLY that it had to be the ACV with "The Mother" no other would do! *insert 'Your Mom' joke here* So when I purchased I was careful to read the label and be sure I got the right kind. I was able to find Organic Raw ACV with The Mother at Target for around $6. Not a bad price for perfect skin potion! 

So I get home, give the bottle a gentle shake, pour myself a shot, and bottoms up! 

Now when I say this shot was gross, I am really not doing it justice. Gross is a GROSS *HA!* understatement. It was Gnarly. It smelled like a foot and didn't taste much better. Tangy in the nastiest way, with a sour bite is on the right track. I was barely able to keep it down. Now how am I supposed to get glowing beautiful skin if I can't even keep it down!? 

Something has got to change so I am going back to the drawing board to see if I can find a recipe for some sort of ACV 'cocktail' that will still get me the goods without the gross. If I do find this miracle recipe I will be sure to share so you too can reap the benefits of me taking quite possibly the most disgusting shot of my entire life (and that is saying something!) 

Stay tuned! 

Monday, July 7, 2014


Today was yet another day of firsts. It marked my first outdoor run in the new city, and my first day back to my Run the Edge plan since the fire.  

I would like to say it was an epic run. That I flew out on fresh legs and set a new PR. Little birds and woodland animals sang happy songs and cheered me on as I ran past, smiling all the way...

The truth is it was awful. There were no happy birds or woodland animals. I didn't know where I was going and ended up running a long stretch of sidewalk right next to an ultra busy road. To access said stretch I had to make it through a few busy intersections with impatient drivers unwilling to let me utilize the pedestrian crossings. My legs felt like complete and utter crap. I had pain from my hip clear to my ankle on the left and not much better on the right. Breathing felt hard and my arms felt stiff. 

It's runs like this that make me come home, flop down and say "Nah girl….you're good. Who wants to run 26.2 anyhow. Go get yourself some cheetos and pour a drink. Turn on netflix and try your hardest to move as little as possible. You wouldn't want to strain yourself, you have a CONDITION!" 

Then I have to pick myself up, go take a shower, ice my battle wounds and remind myself how much I want this. I have a painting on the dresser in my room done by my baby sister. It features the quote

"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes Courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I'll try again tomorrow." 

As for me, I choose courage. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Moving Fiercely Forward

If you know me you've probably heard me reference Ashley Johns and Fierce Forward more than a few times. 

My love affair with Fierce Forward started about 3 years ago. I saw a photo of a vivacious looking blonde with a dynamite smile on bodybuilding.com and wondered who she was. I did some digging and discovered her name was Ashley and she was the creator of Fierce Forward. I was immediately drawn to her style and the zest for life she conveyed through her writing. Her no B.S approach to life and fitness was so refreshing. She wasn't afraid to tell it like it was, the struggles, and the successes. 

Over the years I've had the pleasure of watching FF grow. Ashley works to empower others both through the message she promotes as well as her use of African Trade Beads to build her line of intention bracelets, lovingly referred to as "Armor".  She conveys a genuine warmth and caring through her writing and online presence that has drawn in more than 40,811 (at last count) people to her Facebook page alone. In Ashley's own words "Fierce Forward is a mantra that empowers you to live the life you want to live and discover that loving yourself is the most important job you have."

I am beyond thrilled to announce that I have joined her team as an Ambassador! The movement to provide FIERCE empowerment for the mind, body and soul is growing every day and I am honored to be a part of it. 

If you haven't already you need to take a moment to visit www.fierceforwardforlife.com

You can get daily motivation right in your inbox by subscribing to the daily Coffee Chat. Find a delicious new recipe for a healthy meal, give life to your intention by building your Armor (it's as fun AND stylish as it sounds…trust me!) and read the stories of other Fierce Fighters just like you and I.

For me being Fierce means living boldly, facing challenges head on, and refusing to give up on yourself.

I'd love for you to join the Fierce Forward Nation and tell us what it means to you!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Firecracker 5K Race Recap

Happy Independence Day! 

Today was the annual Firecracker 5k and it was wonderful! It was an absolutely glorious morning, around 70 degrees with a perfect breeze. The day started at 6AM when my brothers, sisters, cousin, husband and I all rushing to get as much 'Merica into our outfits as we possibly could. When we all piled into the van to head to town it looked like Old Glory threw up in there, AWESOME

The race starts at the track and it was so fun to see former school-mates as well as my Coach. All the smiling familiar faces made for a great way to start the day. 

We walked outside the track bounds and the race was on. I had decided earlier that I wanted to run without my watch and just go by my feels. I've been working on speed and today I chose a challenging pace but one I thought I could hold for the entire race.

It was the same roundabout course as every year but it seemed to fly by today. I don't know if it was the beautiful weather or the great vibes but I was loving it. The final stretch is along the track and as I ran it home no times were shouted out so I wasn't sure how I did but I wasn't concerned. 

In the end it turns out I missed a medal by a minute and 42 seconds but I was still all smiles. My brother Dan, sister Christa, and cousin James all brought home some hardware and my crazy outfit got lots of laughs from the people in town cheering us on, which made running in hot, not-so-strechy, American Flag tight's totally worth it. 

Today, my friends, was a good day!

The 2014 Firecracker Crew

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Cultivating Gratitude

With all the challenges I've been facing recently I've noticed myself start to struggle with morale. It happens to all of us, we get bogged down, focusing on all of the negatives in our lives and forget to stop and be grateful for all of the beautiful things.  

It sounds so simple, but for the past week or so I've been doing an exercise with myself I like to call cultivating gratitude. I try to start first thing in the morning, but I use this any time worry or stress starts to take hold of me. I take a moment to think about things I am grateful for in my life and say a prayer of thanks. It is such a simple and basic act, I'm almost embarrassed to say I've had to work on doing it, but it truly does leave my spirit refreshed and my mind less troubled. 

For example, last night I was pounding out my miles on the treadmill and started to think to myself 

"Augh, I hate this. I just can't stand the treadmill! It's so boring, my ankles hurt. Am I done yet!?" 

I decided I needed to change my mental channel. I made a choice to turn off the negative talk and remind myself  

"I am so lucky to be here and have the ability to run! If I get up earlier I could even run outside! This is hard but every mile is putting me further towards my goal. I can finish this run strong and make myself proud!" 

It's a simple act of choosing the positive over the negative. I say it again, choose the positive!

You are as happy as you choose to be! No one and nothing can take that power away from you. What a tremendous gift! 

Here is to counting our blessings and using this gift every day!