Today was yet another day of firsts. It marked my first outdoor run in the new city, and my first day back to my Run the Edge plan since the fire.
I would like to say it was an epic run. That I flew out on fresh legs and set a new PR. Little birds and woodland animals sang happy songs and cheered me on as I ran past, smiling all the way...
The truth is it was awful. There were no happy birds or woodland animals. I didn't know where I was going and ended up running a long stretch of sidewalk right next to an ultra busy road. To access said stretch I had to make it through a few busy intersections with impatient drivers unwilling to let me utilize the pedestrian crossings. My legs felt like complete and utter crap. I had pain from my hip clear to my ankle on the left and not much better on the right. Breathing felt hard and my arms felt stiff.
It's runs like this that make me come home, flop down and say "Nah girl….you're good. Who wants to run 26.2 anyhow. Go get yourself some cheetos and pour a drink. Turn on netflix and try your hardest to move as little as possible. You wouldn't want to strain yourself, you have a CONDITION!"
Then I have to pick myself up, go take a shower, ice my battle wounds and remind myself how much I want this. I have a painting on the dresser in my room done by my baby sister. It features the quote
"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes Courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I'll try again tomorrow."
As for me, I choose courage.
Thanks for sharing pal! Wishing you have better runs!