Monday, June 24, 2013

Success and the "Appreciation Challenge"

"Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm."- Winston Churchill

Failure is not a fun word. Failure is something to fear, something to be ashamed of, something no one wants to be labeled as or experience. Success is something we strive for. We set goals for ourselves, create a plan to achieve them, and get to work, assuming once we hit our "end point" we will experience and in essence become success. What we tend to forget is, without failure, there can be no success.

In the world today we are constantly bombarded with images of what it means to be "a success". Things we need to posses and molds our appearances should fit into. When we inevitably don't fit these molds our feelings of self-worth begin to erode. Depression builds over things we don't have but didn't know we "needed" until someone told us so. In the end feelings of emptiness creep in, as if we, as people, have no value. Nothing could be further from the truth.

This week I am doing my best to take a moment to step back and truly appreciate what God has blessed me with. I will appreciate the changes in my body, and how much stronger I have become physically and mentally. I will appreciate my family and the love we share. I will appreciate our home, and my ability to serve those who live there. The strength to truly savor the moment, to revel in my journey instead of fretting over how far I have to get to my goal. This is living, this is a gift, and to me this is success.

I challenge you to join me in this pursuit. Take a few minutes for yourself each day to experience gratitude for what you have, and how far you've come. Let it humble you, let the deep sense of peace and joy cleanse your soul of worry. God is good and so is life, if you just take the time to notice.

I would love to hear what success means to you, and what you are grateful for. I'm here, and as always, Happy Training!

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