Thursday, June 19, 2014

In with the good

I've taken a renewed interest in yoga lately. It's always been on my radar and I've dabbled, gone to a handful of vinyasa classes, bought a few DVDs but never really devoted myself to my practice. As I've just dipped my toe into marathon training I'm already noticing some issues in terms of back/knee pain and muscle soreness (to be expected) but my biggest concern is feeling so stiff when I run. Some of it could be due in part to the fact that I am currently knocking out my miles on the treadmill, but even prior to that I felt like there were days where my body had just forgotten how to move. No matter how thoroughly I warmed up and stretched my movement just didn't feel quite right. 

My hope is that committing to a regular yoga practice (3 times a week for me) I will be able to regain some of the flexibility and ease of movement that I know was once mine. I honestly believe it will make me a better runner! Since I was without a mat I went in search of one. I wanted something of good quality, with style, that could last for quite some time. I had remembered seeing a post on Fierce Forward some time back praising "Affirmats" for their quality and style. I checked out their website (find it here) and was very impressed! I ended up ordering from their summer collection.

I decided on the "I am free" mantra. It really spoke to me, and though I only just received my mat yesterday I enjoy just looking at it. Last night I laid it out to do some stretching and a few simple poses at the end of my day, it really did bring a smile to my face. 

As I am planning to work on my practice at home I had taken off for the library where I checked out their copy of The Women's Health Big Book of Yoga on recommendation from a close friend and blossoming yogi. The information and illustrations in the book are so helpful and even though I'm still missing blocks and a few other pieces of equipment there is plenty for me to work on in the meantime. 

I know my desire to dig deeper into yoga has come in part from all of the personal challenges I've faced recently. I feel like this is a great opportunity to harness my stress, anxiety, and self doubt and turn it into peace, serenity and self confidence. Honestly, who doesn't need more of that!? And on that note, I leave you with this mantra, because every time you find the humor in a tough situation, you win! 

Wishing you a hearty laugh and happy training! 

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