Sunday, July 6, 2014

Moving Fiercely Forward

If you know me you've probably heard me reference Ashley Johns and Fierce Forward more than a few times. 

My love affair with Fierce Forward started about 3 years ago. I saw a photo of a vivacious looking blonde with a dynamite smile on and wondered who she was. I did some digging and discovered her name was Ashley and she was the creator of Fierce Forward. I was immediately drawn to her style and the zest for life she conveyed through her writing. Her no B.S approach to life and fitness was so refreshing. She wasn't afraid to tell it like it was, the struggles, and the successes. 

Over the years I've had the pleasure of watching FF grow. Ashley works to empower others both through the message she promotes as well as her use of African Trade Beads to build her line of intention bracelets, lovingly referred to as "Armor".  She conveys a genuine warmth and caring through her writing and online presence that has drawn in more than 40,811 (at last count) people to her Facebook page alone. In Ashley's own words "Fierce Forward is a mantra that empowers you to live the life you want to live and discover that loving yourself is the most important job you have."

I am beyond thrilled to announce that I have joined her team as an Ambassador! The movement to provide FIERCE empowerment for the mind, body and soul is growing every day and I am honored to be a part of it. 

If you haven't already you need to take a moment to visit

You can get daily motivation right in your inbox by subscribing to the daily Coffee Chat. Find a delicious new recipe for a healthy meal, give life to your intention by building your Armor (it's as fun AND stylish as it sounds…trust me!) and read the stories of other Fierce Fighters just like you and I.

For me being Fierce means living boldly, facing challenges head on, and refusing to give up on yourself.

I'd love for you to join the Fierce Forward Nation and tell us what it means to you!

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